Ikut Serta Menyukseskan program Adiwiyata Kota Tangerang

Program adiwiyata adalah program berlingkup nasional untuk merubah perilaku dengan membangun kesadaran anak sejak usia dini terhadap pelestarian lingkungan.
Selain itu, melalui program adiwiyata akan mendorong terciptanya pengetahuan dan kesadaran seluruh warga sekolah dalam upaya pelestarian lingkungan.
Untuk peningkatan dan perbaikan sarana dan prasarana tidak sesulit membangun pola fikir para peserta didiknya dalam menerapkan sekolah yang berbasis lingkungan.
"Yang terpenting adalah bagaimana membangun karakter dan membiasakan anak agar lebih peduli terhadap pelestarian lingkungan seperti tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat,"
Berikut LINK Blog Kegiatan Adiwiyata SDN Kereo 9



  1. This is how my associate Wesley Virgin's adventure begins with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL video.

    You see, Wesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he revealed hidden, "self mind control" secrets that the government and others used to get anything they want.

    As it turns out, these are the same methods lots of celebrities (especially those who "became famous out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become rich and famous.

    You probably know that you use only 10% of your brain.

    Really, that's because most of your BRAINPOWER is UNCONSCIOUS.

    Perhaps that expression has even occurred INSIDE OF YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about seven years ago, while riding an unlicensed, beat-up bucket of a car with a suspended license and $3.20 on his debit card.

    "I'm very fed up with going through life check to check! When will I finally make it?"

    You've been a part of those those conversations, isn't it right?

    Your success story is going to start. You need to start believing in YOURSELF.

    Learn How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Fast


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